Saturday, January 24, 2009


Hi my brothers and sisters of CHRIST, this few days, i've been thinking how to categorized GOOD friends and JUST friends. Good friends want to stay connected with you or in other words keep in touch always with you but JUST friends are friends that "come and go". This is just a definition and intro.

As many of us know, friends are very important people in our life. Like some would say, life is meaningless without friends. Yes i agree. However, family is important too. Blood is always thicker than Water. We should not neglect our family for our friends neither should we neglect our friends for our family as both are equally important. BUT I HAVE TO ASK YOU THIS QUESTIONS: Why do you want to befriend me? What in me you like until u want to be friends with me?

This is just a few questions to ponder on. It seems easy but it is not. One wrong answer and KABOOM. Your friendship is over.

I tried asking a few people and many answered this question like this:

ME: Why do you want to friend me actually?
Peter: Friend you? You mean me and you?
ME: Yeah.........
Peter: er.......(thinking)
**i was wondering why it was so hard for him to answer my question**
ME: Faster...faster. I ain't got all day.
ME: Ya...................
Peter: You are kind, hardworking and friendly.

Ok, what you just saw was a example of a conversation. Peter said to me that he befriended me because I was kind, hardworking and friendly. That is not a very good answer actually. This answer is actually used by few MILLION people around the world. It is indeed the safest answer but it's lame. And when i heard that from him, i just felt like not satisfied. I'm not angry at him but just feel......u know...THE FEELING. The best way to answer a question like this is actually saying "DON'T KNOW" or "DUNNO". Think of this, a friend whom don't know why he befriend you but likes to be your friend. Isn't this amazing. You should actually take good care and do not let go of that friend as he is speacial. He likes to friend you for no reason. He himself doesn't know why he friend you. It's the power of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP actually. So this is why i say a friend who say he don't know why he befriend you IS GOOD:

What if they say this:

1. you are pretty/handsome- if they say this then they indirectly mean they won't friend you anymore if you are ugly or one day when your beauty fade away. Right?!

2. you are hardworking- so they are saying that if you one day decided not to study but play, they won't friend you anymore. Right?!

3. you are the top boy in your school- what if you become second best in your school?! They won't friend you anymore?!

4. you are rich- again, if you one day became poor, then they will not friend you anymore?! Right?!

So, "DON'T KNOW" or "DUNNO" is the best answer i think. You may disagree but i've told you the reason why it is GOOD.

Ask your friends why they befriended you and see how they struggle to answer you. Over 50% wiil say they don't know why. It is because they love(care for you) and befriend you without any conditions or in Bahasa Melayu-tiada syarat.

That is all I can write for enjoy my other postings. Do comment if you have thing you want to ask. Take care. God bless.


  1. You dont update your blog??!! LOL, Good luck in your new school also. R u comin back to take your SPM results???

  2. Will soon.....quite busy for the time being. I will ask someone take my results for me. By the way, when are the results coming out?

  3. yo nick.. put a chatbox ler.. easier to leave a msg there for u.. lol.. anyway, all the best in ur coll.. =)

    -ben teoh-

  4. How u do that? Btw, i'm nt in college...i didn't go there. I go to high school.
