Hi my brothers and sisters of Christ,
It has been a very hard and challenging 3 weeks for me as i migrated to another country which i never step foot into since i was 6 months old. Entering a foreign country like Australia is actually like entering another new school. Everyone here is a stranger and their customs and their way of lifestyle is quite different. Ok forget about that... :)
So, i've been attending masses here for already 3 weeks at a church named St.Gerard Majella. The way of the church celebrate the mass is different commpared to asian countries. Here, everything seems to be very "chin-chai" or in better words "easy going". No initiative to actually build the community of the Church. The church i'm going is pretty much too "relax". The Mass is the Eucharistic celebration in the Latin liturgical rites of the Roman Catholic Church. The mass is very important thing. We are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. So why are this churches not doing as good as it should be??? Anyway, that's how their churches celebrate mass here and it is stupid for me to actually change it. I'll be "killed". For instance, i went to church for the past 3 Saturday evening mass and in each mass, a different priest celebrate it. All three priests look at me with their eyes wide when i chose to receive the bread(body of Christ) with my tongue. For them, receiving with the tongue is wierd or is "alien". All the parishioneers there receive with their hands. Not even one i see receive with their tongue. What have happen to them??? It is not their fault as they are not taught the right way. That's all one can write for now.
Will write soon...
To be continue....................
It's almost 2013
12 years ago
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