I like the lyrics of this song. What if we could stay young forever?! We could enjoy like how we are now without thinking of work and mid-life crisis or even death. What if we could just remain like how we are now so we could play hide & seek with our friends and do lots of games together like what ADULTS can't do. For example, when you were like 8 years old, you and your buddies may like to chase each other around school or at the playground. But, don't tell me when you are 18 years old you still do that?! If you do, they people may call you childish or a "crazy" person. Kick that aside, and just enjoy this song.
Next song is for all my relatives that are overseas, friends that had left me (when i was in Malaysia) to go to somewhere else and friends that I did not meet but left to somewhere else. I would like to dedicate this song to them. The list of names that I would like to list out is too long therefore, you guys know that if you fall in any of the category above, then this song is for YOU. Enjoy!!
I also love this song below. Meaningful and beautiful. Learned this song from one of beloved movie: Bridge to Terabithia
And the final video is taken from a friend's of mine blog. She is the one who taught me how to put YOUTUBE videos into my blog. I'm not that "clever" in blogging yet there tolong tunjuk ajar everyone. Anyway, I know she wants to be famous. Therefore, I will publish her name: Johanna. =]
It's almost 2013
12 years ago
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