Hi guys,
It has been a rough week for me. There were good stuffs that happened but overall it's bad. Not feeling quite well recently. Caught a flu. I'm hoping it is not swine flu. Anyway, I just can't get why certain people find it hard to TRUST people. I just don't understand. They always think that the person is not honest. Well, you always got to give the benefit of doubt and trust to anyone.

Trust is not something that is easy for certain people as maybe they were cheated before or their heart has been broken before. However, not everyone is the same. We are all completely different from one another even though we may seem to be alike on the outside.

We got to try to trust other people like how we trust GOD.
Anyway, here are some good movies with a good message in it:
1) Bridge to Terabithia - This movie teaches us about true friendship and that FRIENDS do help and change our lives.

2) Gran Torino - This movies tells us that no matter how strong you are on the outside, you are still a small child in the inside. And that people whom you may not know yet may change your life in one way or another.

3) Meet the Robinsons - This movies tells us to keep moving forward and to learn from our past.

4) Pursuit of Happiness - This movie tells us that hardship and determination will bring you a long way.

Last but not least, enjoy this cool music video from the movie MEET THE ROBINSONS: