Today when i woke up, there were a lot of fog. It was like the clouds had descended. Well, I went to school as usual. Nothing much happened in school. Just "normal" things such as study,play and eat. After school, i walked back with my school mates. It was raining. We hang out in a shopping complex(a small one) for quite sometime before deciding to go back. That's all that happened today. Quite dull and nothing special. That's life right?
Life doesn't always go as what we wish. If it does, i will be hoping that a million dollars of cash would drop down in front of me or maybe I won a competition and i will get a new laptop. However, this is life we are talking about and it is not easy. We have to work hard to get or achieve what we want. And sometimes till a point of frustration. You just feel that life isn't fair to you.
In life, we also will be able to see many friends "come & go". But some do stay with you and they are called "Good Friends". I myself have experienced disappointment because of them. It is either they betrayed your trust or they try to take advantage of you. Well, what could I say?!!
Life is like war. Everyone is like a soldier fighting for themselves to survive in this harsh world. Every men is for himself. However, there are still some good people who does believe in helping one another. They are like soldiers who are fighting for their life but in the same time they help the wounded. Not many, but there are still few.
Life is Tough and you got to admit it. However, I still long and wish that people will change and be more caring and appreciate the people they are meeting,talking or seeing everyday as it may be the last time you meet, talk or see that specific person.
It's almost 2013
12 years ago
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